Friday, August 26, 2011

Friend Time is Fun Time

I just got back from visiting some friends down south for the week.

Last minute trip=sleeping on floors with no pillow, wearing dirty clothes for days, and very little sleep. Just what I needed to practice for my soon-arriving travels!

One of my best friends, Alyie Penn, and I traveling down to San Diego.

My good friends, Alyie Penn, Shane Chavez, and Annie Carlton and me in Santa Monica.

Our matching tattoos that were absolutely neccessary from a rest-stop in Bakersfield.

I'm so glad I got some time to hang out with friends before I leave for the semester. What a great way to end the summer and begin my journey to Greece! (Which, by the way, is definitely in less than two weeks.)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Last Hoorah

On my way to Los Angeles for the weekend to see some friends' new apartment before I leave. I'm starting to get nervous about the uncertain details. And, to be honest, kind of sad. Don't get me wrong, the excitement trumps the sadness and fear by a million percent, but I think the goodbyes are just starting to hit me. I'm not even really a sentimental person, so what the heck?

I think I just have to remind myself that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. And for an obsessive-compulsive control freak, I think a little unplanned, unsure uncomfortableness (yes, uncomfortableness) is good.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

To Potential Study Abroad Students:

In writing classes, the professors always stress the same sorts of things. Tools like proofreading, having a good hook, but most your audience.

So, in order to write this blog, I'd like to establish an audience. Other than my friends and family back home, I know that this blog is intended for potential study abroad travelers. And I'd like to say hello to those of you who may be considering traveling abroad for a semester.

Though I don't know exactly what's weighing your decision: be it insufficient funds, lack of necessary classes, or you're just plain scared to make that committment. All I can say, even without departing quite yet, is that the idea alone of going somewhere foreign for four myself, is thrilling.

I mean, I don't really know what to expect. I've never left this continent. I don't speak Greek, save for a few, mumbled and gestured remarks. I haven't yet grasped the ten hour time change and the currency exchange. But I DO know that I've dreamt about traveling to Europe long before reading Dan Brown's DaVinci Code. And I DO know that God wants me in this exact place.

And I DO know that when asked, "If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?" I was actually able to say, "I'm doing it."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Arts & Crafts

If you know me, you'd know that I'm a sucker for journals. Maybe it's the writer in me, I'm not sure.

But I'm working on this travel journal for my trip. It's going to be something that I can document my semester with, in a number of ways.

My semester abroad's "Bucket List" Spread

Spread about different styles and fashions in different countries

For example, there's a spread where I'll be able to make comic strips about peculiar scenarios or events that occur.

Another spread idea will serve to document one of my favorite pasttimes...people-watching.

No, this is not another word for stalking. I just think it would be fun to write down or sketch (we're talking stick figures and boxes for buildings) what odd things I see people doing.

Basically, it's a mini-scrapbook.

And it's a working progress.