Three weeks of being gone. Two weeks of being in Paros.
It's strange because it feels like it's been months. Maybe even years. I don't really remember life before Greece. It's weird how something that seemed so foreign only a couple of weeks ago is now so apart of my life and experiences.
I guess that's how it is with everything though. It's just peculiar to me.
I can't imagine my life without this experience now. Now that it's a part of me. In only a short amount of time, I already feel like I've grown so much. I've learned so much about myself and where my life is going. I've been exposed to different people and different ways of life. And while my own morals and standards have maintained, I'm really grateful for this challenge to make them stronger.
I'm excited to see where these next three months will take me. I'm excited to learn. To grow. To struggle. And to come out of this a stronger, more developed person.
So excited for you and love you so much. I may not get to talk to you alot..but I'm reading your blog. :)