Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nostalgic in Naxos

Just got back from Naxos, another island in the Kikladhes.

It was beautiful. So many mountains, and it felt a lot more Greek. In the sense that there were a lot more residential areas that we got to explore through. In doing so, we met lots of locals and went into more "Ma & Pop" cafes and stores.

Here are some pictures from our trip:

Our yummy lunch on Naxos

How many HISAs can you fit it one bed?

Me with the squids (AKA: Ariel with Ursula)

Looking at the stars with Lynne, Michelle, and Nia at the Gate of Apollo

Last time riding on the ferry; Port of Paros

Napping on Naxos

Nia and Lynne in the cafe we stopped to got cappuccinos at

Getting lost on Naxos

This was the last off-island hoorah for the HISA group.

We're all starting to realize that we're nearing the end. Discussions about what our next steps will be. What we'll miss most. The amazing relationships we've had here. The unexplainable experience and changes we've made.

The common denominator of all of these conversations has been this: something profound happened in all of us, here. We're not sure how we're going to explain it to our friends and family back home. We're not sure how we'll feel about leaving. And we're not sure what we're going to do without this island, or each other, to encourage, inspire, and grow us.

But we know that we'll be alright. And that we're going to enjoy   e v e r y   l a s t   s e c o n d   here. Because that's all we can do.

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