Monday, July 18, 2011

Capturing the Moments

So, I'm on vacation with my family for the summer. We're on Whidbey Island in the state of Washington, and there are these magnificent, little thrift stores all over the place. I walked into one this morning and instantly fell in love with this camera. I got to talking with a fellow thrifter about film and how creativity has changed over the years, as far as technology and creating art goes. He said it was a shame that there is such a little appreciation for the art of manual film and photography.

Agreeing with this man, whose name I regretfully forgot to get, I was inspired to buy this camera and take footage of my travels overseas. Now, by no means am I saying that I have the knowledge, capacity, or patience for this kind of filming. However, I am insisting on the venturing out of digital and automatic art; even if only for the benefit of enjoying a new hobby or getting inspired by the thrill of such an old piece of equipment.

I've already ordered the film for it online, so that I may try it out before I fly out.

Best case scenario: I get some unmatchable, tattered footage of my adventures in Greece and Europe. And worst case?

I just spent twenty dollars on a camera that will sit in my room and forever remind me of this trip.

Until that outcome is established---

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